Frosty window panes.
Evergreen boughs heavy with snow.
A crackling fire on the hearth.
Wool socks and rosy cheeks.
Rum and Eggnog Chai.
The Winter holiday season allows us these indulgences of time; to relax into long overdue conversation with family and friends. Cooking at home for the day for pleasure and company. Sitting doing nothing but staring out at the Starry Night. Indulge in this luxury of time with our Winter Tea Blends - from winter spice tea favorites like Gingerbread Cookie and Masala Chai, to the (so we've been told by our patrons) best tea for winter, Cold + Flu, as both a restorative and a preventative measure. Winter tea flavors fill the room with aromas of sugar and spice, and everything nice, so whether you've just baked a fresh batch of cookies, or you want to make your home smell like you have, our Winter Tea Blends won't reveal your secret (simmering a pot of Masala Chai or Herbal Spiced Chai on the stove for an hour creates this delicious impression, btw!).
Wishing you the wealth of health and the gift of time this holiday season, from all of us at TEALEAVES.