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Article: Cold Tea-Smoked Tuna Recipe

TEALEAVES Cold Tea-Smoked Tuna Recipe

Cold Tea-Smoked Tuna Recipe


Tea-Smoked Tuna

Executive Chef Antonio Cardoso's seared tuna alternates between sweet, smokey and citrusy.
A glassy base of Tangerine Rooibos tea gelée is topped with evenly sliced tea-smoked tuna and a yuzu mayonnaise.

Take a bite of his Tangerine Rooibos smoked tuna alongside sweet yellow watermelon for a perfect pairing of sweet and savory.

Executive Chef Antonio Cardoso inspires a clean and smokey tangerine palate with this seared tuna, citrus, and refreshing yellow watermelon arrangement. Tea-smoked tuna alternates with sweet, ripe melon, and finisheded with a citrusy yuzu mayo and lemongrass foam.

Tie the bow with a touch of green micro herbs – that’s preTEA perfect!

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Tea-Smoked Tuna

Servings: 1


  • Prep Time: 0 mins
  • Cook Time: 30 mins
  • Total Time: 30 mins


Rooibos Tea Gelee

Tea-Smoked and Seared Tuna

Yuzu Mayonnaise

  • 2 Oz. Mayonnaise
  • 2 Oz. Yuzu Juice
  • 2 Oz. Sriracha

Lemongrass Foam

  • 5 Lemongrass Stalks
  • 2 Oz. Agave Syrup
  • 1 Cup Fat Free Milk
  • 1 Oz. Orange Zest
  • 3 Grams Soy Lecithin

Tea-Smoked Tuna with Vanilla Rooibos Gelée

  • 1 Vanilla Rooibos Gelée (see recipe)
  • 5 Oz. Yellow Watermelon
  • 1 Tea-Smoked and Seared Tuna Loin (see recipe)
  • Yuzu Mayonnaise (see recipe)
  • Lemongrass Foam (see recipe)
  • Micro Herbs


Rooibos Tea Gelée

  1. Brew tea with water and let steep.
  2. Add gelatin leaves and agave syrup.
  3. Place tea in shallow sheet pan & refrigerate, when cold and solidified cut in rectangular strips.

Tea-Smoked and Seared Tuna

  1. Cut tuna loin into a perfect square - 2 in. on either side.
  2. Place tuna in perforated pan and smoke tuna with tea (a smoking gun can be used).
  3. Remove tuna from perforated pan, and quickly pan sear to get a perfect rare temperature inside.

Yuzu Mayonnaise

  1. Combine yuzu, sriracha, and mayonnaise.

Lemongrass Foam

  1. Infuse milk with lemongrass, and orange zest.
  2. Cool down and add soy lecithin.
  3. Bur mox, to create a foam, let sit.

Tea-Smoked Tuna with Tangerine Rooibos Gelée

  1. In a rectangular plate place the tea gelée.
  2. Cut watermelon into a perfect square - 2 in. on either side - to match the size of the seared tuna.
  3. Slice watermelon into ½ inch slices. Slice tuna into ½ in. slices.
  4. Alternate tuna and watermelon, placing slices along tea gelée.
  5. Top with lemongrass foam, garnish of micro herbs, and add small dots of Yuzu mayonnaise. Serve cold.